School uniform colours and items of clothing are as follows:
Trousers or skirts – grey
Uniform items with an embroidered school logo can be purchased from the following suppliers:-
– Kids Stop, 49 Market Street, Hyde, SK14 2AB
– My Clothing, online supplier, at
Please support the school by sending your child in appropriate school uniform. If you choose not to purchase the school items with the logo, please ensure that your child wears appropriate clothes for school both with regard to type (eg polo shirts/sweatshirts/cardigans/trousers/skirts) and colour (white poloshirts/red sweatshirts/grey trousers or skirts). Please note that jogging bottoms and leggings are not appropriate school wear.
Red and white school dresses may be worn during the summer months.
School shoes should be worn, not trainers, flimsy pumps or sandals etc.
PE Uniform – Red shorts, white T shirts and black pumps should be worn.
Uniform Swap Shop
There is a termly uniform swap shop where parents/carers can take donated uniform items for a voluntary contribution to School Fund.