St Anne’s Primary School
Governance Statement
The Governing Body has had another successful year supporting St Anne’s and ensuring the school priorities are addressed. Governors have visited school and met regularly, both at full governing board meetings and through committee meetings.
Governors have completed annual skills audits and taken part in regular training to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with current issues for school and have the right skills to support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
An important role for governors is ensuring the safety and well-being of the children and we have a nominated governor for safeguarding who reports to the governors about any safeguarding matters.
Governors review and agree key school policies regularly and routinely throughout the year. This year they have supported the headteacher through the academisation process.
Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are public documents and can be obtained from the school office.
During the next academic year the governors will focus on aspects of the school development plan to ensure that standards for all groups of children remain high and that all children are supported to reach their full potential.