School Dinners

The TMBC School Meals Service provides a two-course midday meal. Facilities are also available for children to bring a packed lunch.

The school hall is used as a dining area.

School dinner menus will follow a 3 week cycle – Weeks 1 to 3.

Dinner money is payable in advance and is paid online via your Parentmail account.

Please note: 1 weeks notice is required to change from/to school dinners.

Please contact the school before 9.20am if your child is going to be absent – if no message is received payment will be required for that day.

Details of school meals and snack prices:

Weekly =          £15.75

1 day  =          £3.15

Infant snacks   =  Fresh fruit supplied daily free of charge

The school dinner menu from 2 September 2024 can be downloaded here: School Dinner menu Autumn and Winter 2024-25

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
02.09.24 09.09.24 16.09.24
23.09.24 30.09.24 07.10.24
14.10.24 21.10.24 04.11.24
11.11.24 18.11.24 25.11.24
02.12.24 09.12.24 16.12.24
06.01.25 13.01.25 20.01.25
27.01.25 03.02.25 10.02.25

Free School Meals Eligibility and the Pupil Premium Grant
For more information on applying for free school meals and the additional funding available through the Pupil Premium grant, please click here.


For further information see TMBC Website School Catering Service Page: TMBC Catering Services