Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Class Teacher: Mrs Moss-Gibbons

Teaching assistants: Mrs Young and Mrs Etchells

PE Days: Thursday and Friday

This is what our learning will look like each half term…

Term 1a


  • Place Value: rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 100; comparing and ordering numbers, Roman numerals and negative numbers
  • Addition and subtraction: more than 4-digit numbers; rounding and estimating; solving problems using the inverse and multi-step problems


We will be using the The Water Tower in this unit and writing both a non-chronological report and a long story. Children will be taking it in turns to read aloud and develop their fluency skills. Children will also perform aspects of the book as they explore dialogue in more detail and use expression and actions to represent spoken aspects of the book.

Topic: Investigating our world

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about locating map features using a range of methods. They learn about the Prime Meridian, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and worldwide time zones and study interconnected climate zones, vegetation belts and biomes. Children learn about human geography and capital cities worldwide before looking at the UK motorway network and settlements. They carry out an enquiry to identify local settlement types.

Term 1b


  • Multiplication and division: multiples, factors, prime numbers, square numbers, cube numbers, multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000
  • Measurement: perimeter, area of rectangles, area of compound and irregular shapes


We will be exploring the book: Planetarium and writing a short story, an explanation text and a set of detailed instructions. Children will learn key vocabulary and become science spokesmen and women when reciting key facts and information to support their learning of space.

Topic: Stargazers

Journey through space, the final frontier. Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth. Programme a rover to traverse a lunar landscape and work scientifically to investigate gravity, and what happens when there is none. Compare the times of day at different places on the Earth and use GPS satellite navigation systems to track hidden treasure. Get in a spin making simple models of the Solar System and listen to the haunting sounds of space themed songs. Then it’s 3, 2, 1, blast off. Build and launch a rocket for an important test mission. Exploring space is probably the greatest adventure that humankind has ever undertaken. Are we alone? Or are there other life forms out there?

Term 2a


  • Multiplication and division: multiply and divide 2, 3 and 4-digit numbers and divide with remainders
  • Fractions: equivalent fractions, fractions greater than 1, improper fractions, mixed number fractions and compare and order fractions


We will be learning about persuasive language and features of persuasion as well as writing a long story. Our focus book is called Pepi and the Secret Names. Children will identify and understand how people lived during Egyptian times and how they communicated through hieroglyphics. We will focus on drama activities to help improve oracy skills and develop children’s language.

Topic: Pharaohs

Let’s travel back 5000 years, to the dusty realms of ancient Egypt. Cruise along the Nile, entering a world of mysteries and curses, mummies and kings. Find out about life on the river’s fertile banks, discovering Egypt and its fascinating culture. Unravel the secrets of ancient tombs, using historical sources and ancient artefacts. Find out about powerful pharaohs and grandiose gods. Make yourself a nemes and you’ll really look the part. Become an apprentice and work for Ramose, the chief embalmer at the Beautiful House. Help him prepare a body for its journey into the afterlife. Now open the doorway to ancient Egypt. Who knows what treasures you will find?

Term 2b


  • Fractions: add, subtract and multiply fractions; calculate a fraction of a quantity, using fractions as operators and fraction problem solving
  • Decimals and percentages: decimals to 2dp, understanding thousandths, rounding, ordering and comparing decimals, finding percentages as fractions and decimals and equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages


We will be using the book Weslandiato gain a better understanding of diversity and sustainable living through being kinder to our environment. We will create a balanced argument and use our language skills to discuss topics with opposing viewpoints. The children will participate in debates and really improve their speaking and listening skills. At the end of the unit, the children will write a short story based on the story line from our focus book.

Topic: Pharaohs continued


Term 3a


  • Decimals- adding and subtracting decimals (including wholes), problem solving, decimal sequences and multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000
  • Properties of shape- identifying angles, measuring with a protractor, drawing lines and angles accurately, triangles, quadrilaterals, regular and irregular polygons and 3D shapes


We will be reading a book called The Barnabus Project which outlines acceptance and working as a team to achieve our goals.  The children will write a non-chronological report and a long story using key elements from the text along with their own ideas when producing their independent writing. This book will prompt discussions into self-reflection, being proud of who we are, acknowledging our achievements and how collaboration can support success.

Topic: Ground-breaking Greeks

This project teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.

Term 3b


  • Position and direction- describe position, draw on a grid, translation (including co-ordinates), lines of symmetry and reflection (with co-ordinates)
  • Measurement- kilometres, kilograms, metric units, imperial units, converting units of time and timetables


In this half term, we will be reading a book called Wonder. Children will be researching the author of this book and creating an autobiography. The children will also have the opportunity to write a biography and a short story based on the focus text. We will be discussing differences in appearances and acceptance.

Topic: Sow, grow and Farm

This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas

Topic: Eat the Seasons

This project teaches children about the meaning and benefits of seasonal eating, including food preparation and cooking techniques


  • Children are expected to read regularly at home: being a fluent reader is key to learning across all subjects and it’s a key life skill. It is ideal to read a book over a few days to allow your child to discuss what they have read to embed learning and demonstrate a clear comprehension of the text. You may wish to ask the children questions or discuss the meanings of keywords within the book.
  • All homework is optional.  It will be set on Microsoft Teams. It will be given out on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Yellow homework books have been handed out at the beginning of the year for work to be completed in. There is no expectation for you to print out whatever is set, so children can either edit the document online or complete work in the homework book. If you have any queries, let me know.
  • Spelling lists will be set on Teams too. The children will be tested every Friday.

Thank you for your continued support!