
Welcome to Reception’s Page!

Teacher – Miss Orme

Teaching Assistant – Miss Martin

Things to remember…

PE kits should be brought to school in a bag and left on your peg. PE kits will be sent home each half term and should be brought back again after the holiday. 

Children should have a red or black book bag that should be brought to school daily. 

Home/school books are collected on Monday and returned on Friday. Home/school books will contain an overview of the week. These could be talking points with your child, things to practise or suggested activities to complete together. Completing your home/school book is not compulsory. 

Children can bring in water bottles to use during the day, these must be labelled with their names.

Reading at home

Children will receive two new books, once a week. You will receive one phonics book that will be specifically aimed at your child’s phonological knowledge which they should be able to read independently. Their other book will be the book they read in their guided reading session that week. 

Throughout the week, there are several different ways of looking at your books. You could focus on what is happening in the story by looking at the pictures. You could read through the book and practise blending, spot sounds that you know, find some of the sight words that you are learning or try and remember new words that you have found etc.


From September 2022, we will be following the ‘Monster Phonics’ phonics scheme. Monster Phonics is child-centred and helps children make progress because the approach is meaningful, interactive, and easy to understand, creating high engagement. The systematic colour-coding of graphemes linked to phoneme monsters makes phonics easier to understand. Children also love the monsters, and this brings phonics to life. Our activities are multisensory requiring reading, writing, singing and actions. Phonics sessions are taught everyday, and guided reading sessions are three times a week. 

What will we be doing this school year? 

Term 1 

Our first topic this term will be ‘Me and My Community’ and ‘Starry Night’ will be our second topic

In maths, we will be learning to match, sort and compare, compare size, mass and capacity, simple patterns, numbers 1-5 and 2D shapes.  

During our topic activities this half term we will be looking at the rules and routines of our new school and we will be getting to know our new environment. Our topic encourages and helps us to make new friends and feel confident in our class. We will learn about how and why it is important to be helpful, kind and thoughtful at home and at school. We will also look at how we are all unique and special, the importance of friendship and how people in our family, school and local community are important and can help us.

In literacy, we will be reading lots of stories together and engaging in discussions about them. We will also begin to draw and write labels linked to our stories. We will think about how different characters might be feeling and what they might say at different points in the stories.

Autumn 2 – Starry Night

Term 2 

Our topics this term will be ‘Big Wide World’ followed by ‘Dangerous Dinosaurs’

In maths, we will be learning about numbers 6-10, exploring length, height, time, mass and capacity and 3D shapes. 

During our topic sessions we will be looking at the environments that we share with others, including  homes, school and places in the local community. We will learn about our global community to which we belong and explore how living things, communities and climates differ around the world. We will also discover different animals that roamed Earth millions of years ago and how they are related to animals that live on Earth today.

In literacy, we will be reading lots of stories together and engaging in discussions about them. We will also begin to write words and short sentences. We will write speech, letters and invitations!

Spring 1 – Big Wide World

Spring 2 – Dangerous Dinosaurs

Term 3 

This term our topics will be ‘Long Ago’ and ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’

Maths this term will consist of numbers beyond 20, addition and subtraction, manipulating, composing and decomposing shapes and sharing and grouping.

In topic we will be learning about how we have grown and changed since we were babies and how life in the past was different from today. We will also learn how to care for the plants and animals in our local environment and how we can stay safe in the sun.

In literacy, we will continue to enjoy lots of core stories together, but also exciting stories from new authors! We will begin to innovate and learn a well known story in order to write our own version of the story and we will also use our knowledge of non-fiction books to helps us create our own information leaflet.