Mission Statement and Aims

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St Anne’s is a caring, supportive and innovative school where everyone is respected and appreciated as an individual. Children are encouraged to be ambitious and aim for brilliance!  Our ultimate goal is to create lifelong learners who go on to lead happy and successful lives.



Curious minds, caring hearts.

Aiming for brilliance!



We believe that the following aims will enable us to fulfil our mission statement for St Anne’s Primary School:

To provide a friendly, supportive ethos, in which all pupils and staff, irrespective of gender, race, culture, religion or ability are valued and can achieve success

To provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum consistent with National Curriculum requirements

To provide opportunities and motivation for all children to develop their potential mentally, physically, creatively, socially and spiritually

To promote self-esteem in an atmosphere of trust and support

To equip children with the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to learn independently

To encourage children’s spiritual, moral and cultural development

To help children become responsible citizens with a caring attitude to the environment

To promote progression through a coherent and continuous programme of learning

To enable smooth transition from one stage of a child’s education to the next

To encourage children, staff, parents, governors and the local community to work in partnership to realise the aims of the school