The after school activities available for 5 weeks commencing 24 February and finishing week ending 28 March are as follows:
Freedom Dance: Y2-Y6 (Paid Club – see school office for details)
Homework Club: Y3-Y6- Mrs Young
Tameside Music Tuition: Keyboards (Paid Club – see school office for details)
Science Morning Club: Y3-Y6- Mrs Moss-Gibbons (8am-8:45am)
Red Tiger Karate: All Classes (Paid Club – see school office for details)
Robotics Club: Y1 and Y2- Mrs Thompson
Gymnastics: Years 1 and 2- Sports Coach
Drama Club: Y3-Y6- Mrs Gaskell (commences 5th March)
Netball: Years 5 and 6 – Sports Coach
BSL: Y1-Y3- Mrs Livsey
All activities will finish at 4.00pm unless advised otherwise. Please collect your child/ren promptly using the back gate.
We are also inviting Y6 children to ‘Boost’ sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8.15am. (Continuing from week beginning 24 February) Please encourage your child to attend these sessions. Refreshments will be provided!
There will be no teacher- led clubs on Tuesday 111h March and Thursday 20th March due to parents evening.