Inclusion/ SEN


The school curriculum is differentiated to cater for the needs and abilities of all children.

Our policy on SEN is in line with the government’s Code of Practice (September 2014). The policy outlines the procedures for identifying and assessing children with special needs. The Policy and Accessibility Plan are available to download here, as well as out SEN information report-

Inclusion policy

Accessibility Plan

Tameside MBC’s Local Offer

SEN Information Report

Procedures and information on SEN have been updated to reflect changes. The policy outlines the procedures for identifying and assessing and meeting the needs of children with special educational needs.

During the past year we have made effective use of resources and external agencies in supporting children with SEN. Mrs Mantel and Miss Bean, the school’s Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) have supported teachers in identifying, assessing and providing for pupils with special educational needs, monitoring their progress and keeping appropriate records. We are pleased to report that as a result the children have made progress.

The school works in partnership with parents, support services and the LEA to provide the best opportunities for our children within budgetary constraints.