
Our English curriculum covers: reading, writing, SPAG, oracy (through speaking and listening), phonics and spelling.

English Intent – At St Anne’s Primary School, we believe that an excellent English curriculum should encourage children to develop a passion for reading, provide quality writing outcomes and give children the confidence to have meaningful discussions with others. We aim to inspire children to expand their knowledge of a range of books and foster a positive relationship with literature. We recognise the importance of celebrating each child’s ability to write clearly and accurately, adapting their language and style to cover a range of concepts and for children to take pride in their work. It is important that children build resilience and learn to speak and listen with accuracy to further develop their learning.

To see how English is taught at St Anne’s, watch this video:

English reading Skills and Knowledge Progression

English writing Skills and Knowledge Progression

Progression of SPAG individual year groups

EYFS-  In the Foundation Stage, we offer a child-led curriculum which builds on conceptual knowledge through the children’s chosen context. This is reflected in the children’s topic books, which demonstrates their learning journey and connectivity between concepts. Children are encouraged to practise their fine motor skills through planned writing opportunities in a variety of contexts, from sand and foam to holding a pencil accurately, mark making and beginning to write accurately. Children participate in daily phonics and story time sessions, building on knowledge when role playing and develop skills through carefully designed activities in continuous provision. As a school which promotes reading for pleasure, we introduce the children to a wide variety of texts which create a sense of awe and engagement. Children love taking books home from the Reception class and school library and sharing them with their families. We heavily focus on the importance of developing language and communication skills as a fundamental starting point for our learners to become fluent speakers and avid listeners. This includes selected opportunities for turn-taking, talk for writing and discussion.

KS1 and KS2 In writing, we follow a progressive teaching sequence centred on high-quality texts often linked to the topic covered. We emerge children in a wealth of subject-specific knowledge to develop their vocabulary skills and writing ability. Teachers model writing and encourage shared, guided and independent writing with a clear success criteria to follow. Children practise planning, editing, revising and evaluating skills using a purple pen to show this. At the end of each half term, children in both KS1 and KS2 will have two final pieces of writing (one fiction and one non-fiction) which are often shared with other classes and celebrated. Children participate in a variety of assessments including peer and self-assessment regularly throughout the year. Teachers plan daily opportunities for children to practise a range of progressive grammar skills to use across a range of writing genres. At the core of English is oracy: we ensure speaking and listening skills are developed in each class through a range of planned activities, including talk for writing. This develops children’s Standard English and fluency when performing and reading aloud as well as improving turn-taking and partner talk.

Take a look at our long term plan for writing   English LTP whole school

Whilst teachers carefully select books to link to particular topics, we kindly ask parents not to purchase these books for their children. These books are used as a hook for learning and we feel that an unknown text excites and engages children which maximises the best writing outcomes . Why not take a look at a comprehensive list of 100 books children should read before they leave primary school? How many books can your child tick off?   100-books-to-read-before-you-leave-primary school

Our inspirational people

Our inspirational person in writing during the autumn term is Astrid Lindgren, who grew up to become one of the world’s best-loved authors, and the creator of the irresistible Pippi Longstocking.

Our inspirational person in writing during the spring term is Mary Shelley, the English novelist and creator of Frankenstein.

Our inspirational person in writing during the summer term is Charles Dickens, the influential author who began working in a factory with other children, worked briefly at a law firm, became an actor, a reporter and then a very gifted storyteller.

Our inspirational person in reading during the autumn term is Hans Christian Andersen. Best remembered for his literary fairy tales. Andersen’s fairy tales, consisting of 156 stories across nine volumes, have been translated into more than 125 languages.
Our inspirational person in reading during the spring term is Stan Lee. Lee was the co-creator and former editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics helping to create hundreds of world famous characters such as the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the X-Men.
Our inspirational person in reading during the summer term is Amanda Gorman. She is the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history and was the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate. Her work focuses on issues of oppression, feminism, race and marginalisation, as well as the African diaspora.


Top 50 recommended books to read per year group

Books for Topics has put together a list of the top 50 recommended reads for each year group, why not take a look?








Reading at St Anne’s

Reading is at the core of everything we do at St Anne’s. We aim to create confident and fluent readers who enjoy reading for pleasure. Our language-rich classrooms, each equipped with engaging reading areas, and welcoming school library offer a wide range of relevant, exciting and diverse books to choose from.

Our staff are readers and we take pride in the books we carefully choose to base our curriculum around. We welcome parents to come into school to take part in our parent ‘Book Swap’ where parents are invited to choose a book from our parent book trolley to read and return once finished.

For further information about reading at St Anne’s, please speak to:

Mrs Potter (English lead) or Miss Pollitt (early reading lead)

Book bands

EYFS and KS1

On completion of the Monster Phonics reading scheme (Stage 10), children will then move onto the National Reading Colour Bands at a level appropriate for their reading knowledge, with a minimum expectation of ‘white’ colour book band to be deemed Expected at the end of KS1.

Children in EYFS and KS1 will take home:

  • 1 x Monster Phonics book (linked to current phonic knowledge)
  • 1 x additional phonically decodable book (links to current phonic phase to be shared at home)
  • 1 x library book from either the class or school library to develop children’s love of reading

See our EYFS and KS1 book band guide –> Reading Levels EYFS-KS1


As children progress into KS2, they will move onto the Sounds and Syllables spelling scheme (providing they are secure with their phonic knowledge). Any children who have not completed the Monster Phonics scheme will placed into intervention groups to close gaps and enable the children to develop their knowledge of sounds to support their reading. The above chart provides a basic model and starting point to understand the book colour bands we use in school.

Children in KS2 will take home:

  • 1 x reading scheme book (linked to current phonic knowledge) *
  • 1 x library book from either the class or school library to develop children’s love of reading

See our  KS2 book band guide –> Reading Levels – KS2

*Children who are part of a phonic intervention will take home a Monster Phonics book that links directly to their current phonic knowledge. An additional phonically decodable book will be provided which links to their current phonic phase will be provided and we suggest this is shared with an adult at home.