Physical Education Intent Statement
At St. Anne’s Primary School, we recognise the importance of physical education and the role it plays in promoting long-term healthy lifestyles. Our PE curriculum is designed to recognise children’s natural ability and enable them to participate in high quality provision which is enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all. It is our intent that by giving children a positive early experience of sport and wider physical activity, a lifetime habit of participation will be developed, leading to good physical health as well as mental wellbeing.
Through the teaching of PE, we will provide opportunities for children to develop physical literacy skills. They will build character and develop transferable skills which are interwoven with our School Values system. We will encourage team-work, sportsmanship, fairness and respect in all sessions, as well as instilling a sense of self-belief, resilience and determination. We will ensure that groups of children who are ‘least active’ and lack confidence in PE feel empowered to take part. In addition, an ethos of healthy competition will be promoted, with links and pathways set up with local clubs to allow children to continue physical activity outside of school.
In addition to PE sessions, we will ensure children understand what the right amount of daily activity is and promote the message “at least 60 minutes a day”. We will allow children access to sufficient opportunities to be active throughout the school day including the use of break and lunchtime provision. A variety of after-school clubs, school visits-including residential stays-and both inter and intra school competition, enrich our PE curriculum, making it exciting and appealing to all.
The two inspirational people we will focus on for Physical Education over the academic year are Simone Biles and Marcus Rashford. Simone Biles because she overcame adversity to become the most decorated gymnast in history, demonstrating unparalleled skill, resilience, and mental strength. Marcus Rashford because he used his platform as a footballer to advocate for child food poverty, showing dedication to social change and compassion beyond the pitch.
PE Curriculum: Skills and Knowledge EYFS
PE Curriculum: Skills and knowledge KS1