Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Class Teachers: Mrs Mantel and Mrs Livsey

Teaching Assistant: Miss Rainey


Year 2 information

Children will bring home two reading books from school each week. Please spend some time each day listening to your child read and talking about what they have read. Asking some simple questions is a good way to help develop your child’s comprehension skills. The children also have chance to choose a book from the library on Friday’s.  Spellings are sent home on a Friday for a test the following Friday and will match the sounds being covered in phonics/spelling lessons that week.  A piece of maths homework will also be sent home every Friday and is due back in school the following Thursday.

Phonics is still a big focus in year 2 as we prepare for the Phonics Screening Check towards the end of this term. You can really support your child with their phonics by practising the sounds regularly and reading as often as you can at home. A great interactive website is which has lots of exciting and engaging phonics games on to help children practice their sounds.

Practising counting with your child will really help them with their maths skills. Can they count forward from a given number? Can they count backwards form a given number? Practise counting forwards and  backwards in 2s, 5s or 10s as a challenge!

Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. We’re looking forward to a super year!

What will we be doing this school year?

Term 1A and 1b – Street Detectives

This way or that way? Where should we go? Up to the local shops or down to the playing fields? Let’s learn about our local community, looking at houses old and new and finding out how our streets have changed since our mums and dads were young. Perhaps your granny or grandpa went to your school or maybe they worked in the baker’s shop? Make maps and plans of the streets around us, planning our routes. What can you see? What can we find? Whereabouts do you live? Do you know your address? Ready to roll, Street Detectives? Get your clipboards – it’s time to start investigating.

Term 2a – Magnificent Monarchs

This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research some of the most significant sovereigns.

Term 2a – Magnificent Monarchs


Term 2b – Great Fire of London


Term 3a – Wriggle and Crawl

Grab your coat and magnifying glass – we’re going out and about on a minibeast hunt. Start your search and see who’s home. Write notes and labels and ask research questions, just like a real entomologist. Learn about bees and worms and butterflies too. Can you make a food chain to show who eats who? Carry out investigations to find out more! On your belly, legs at the ready, it’s time to wriggle and crawl.


Term 3b – Coastline

Pack your buckets and spades – we’re of to the seaside! This project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom. You will investigate the coast and then make your own seaside plans and maps, deciding which features you want to include.