Class Teacher: Miss Pollitt
Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hall
In Year 6, we are guardians of the Be Motivated school value! Our inspirational person who helps us embody and promote this value around school is Usain Bolt.
In Term 2B our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 is a very important year in primary school. Not only are our Year 6 pupils in their final year, they are also role models to the rest of the school. Miss Pollitt, Mrs Potter, Mrs Hall and Mrs Young look to Year 6 to set a positive example and lead the way.
In Year 6, we work hard all year. We want pupils to work hard, aspire to be the best they can and make a positive contribution. This means trying hard in every area of school life. Year 6 children run ‘Big Friends, Little Friends’ and buddy up with children in the Reception class in order to help the children settle well into school life.
Every subject is important in Year 6 and we value a balanced curriculum. We ensure all pupils are well prepared for high school and their SATs in May and are able to show what they are capable of.
1a. Hola Mexico!: Welcome to Mexico. Get ready to explore this unique country, from its towering temples and stunning geography to its pulsing rhythms and fun festivals. Is your tummy rumbling? Concoct a traditional fruit cocktail or a delicious Mexican meal. What’s on your shopping list? Go steady with the spices. Discover the mysterious world of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Make their chocolate, learn their poetry, play their ball game and follow all of their curious rituals. Just try to keep your head. Feel like celebrating? Design a flute, grab a drum, join a tribe and make some noise. Have you got what it takes to be chief? Let’s find out.
1b. Frozen Kingdom: Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands. Vast wilds and hostile territories; incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly. Take shelter from the elements or fall prey to icy winds and the deepest chill. Trek bravely and valiantly across treacherous terrain to the ends of the Earth, treading deep in snow or being pulled by a team of mighty sled dogs. Be alert, for magnificent mammals roam these lands, sometimes hungry or fresh for a fight. Perhaps a hungry polar bear or an Arctic fox is hunting rodents, as swift as the wind. Research facts and figures of climate, temperature, habitats and ecosystems, and compose evocative poems about the Northern Lights. Become part of an Antarctic rescue team, braving the elements to rescue terrified passengers from a ship struck by a deadly iceberg that hides deep beneath the Southern Ocean. Wrap up well and settle by the fire. I’m just going outside and may be some time.
2a. Darwin’s Delights: We’re off on an exciting expedition with Charles Darwin and his crew on HMS Beagle. Can you trace his route across the vast ocean? Stop at the magical Galápagos Islands to see the amazing species that helped Charles Darwin to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. Do you know what’s so special about a lava lizard, or why the blue-footed booby has blue feet? See how animals adapt to their environments over time and meet some of the world’s greatest explorers and naturalists. Imagine how humans will evolve in millions of years. It’s a scary thought. Ready to trace the origin of species? Let’s set sail.
2b/3a: Britain at War: This project teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.
3b. Blood Heart: Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry. Blood flows through our bodies in all its vibrant shades of red. Let’s explore our circulation system. Now, surgeons, don’t be squeamish as we dissect an animal heart and examine the veins, arteries and chambers up close. They all work hard to move blood around our bodies. William Harvey was fascinated with anatomy, and made groundbreaking discoveries about valves. I wonder what we might uncover? Why do people give blood? Find out how to keep your heart happy with cardiovascular exercise and healthy food. Kickstart a campaign to spread the word about the damage caused to the lungs and heart by smoking. Hearts pound, flutter and maybe skip a beat. What makes your heart race? Is it a secret? Cross my heart, I won’t tell.
Homework will be given out on Fridays with the expectation that it is returned on Thursdays the following week. Weekly spellings are uploaded onto Microsoft Teams each half-term and children will be tested on a Friday.
Year 6 is hard work, but we also strive to make it fun! If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please reach out to a member of the Year 6 team!