Pupil Premium is an element of funding that goes into the school budget to support the raising of attainment of pupils from low income homes. The funding is based on the number of children currently registered for Free School Meals, or who have been registered in the last 6 years, Looked After Children and Post Looked After Children at the school.
Academic Year 2024-25
The value of the Pupil Premium per eligible pupil is:
£1480 (£2570 for Post Looked After children)
Based on eligible pupils, the school is expected to receive £85246
This will be used as follows:-
- 1 to 1 and small group support
- Teaching and Teaching Assistant support
- Pastoral support
- Quality First Teaching training
- To fund delivery of intervention programmes
- Speech Leap speech and language support
- Resources to support learning
- Educational day visits and Residential trips
- Regular after school enrichment activities
- Before school boost sessions for Year 6
- Visitors in school to enhance cultural capital
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 3yr- at September 2024
Academic Year 2023-24
The value of the Pupil Premium per eligible pupil is:
£1480 (£2570 for Post Looked After children)
Based on eligible pupils, the school receive £75899
This was used as follows:-
- 1 to 1 and small group support
- Teaching and Teaching Assistant support
- Pastoral support
- Quality First Teaching training
- To fund delivery of intervention programmes
- Speech Leap speech and language support
- Resources to support learning
- Educational day visits and Residential trips
- Regular after school enrichment activities
- Before school boost sessions for Year 6
- Visitors in school to enhance cultural capital
Pupil Premium Report July 2024
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement to July 2024 – Reviewed July 2023
Academic Year 2022-23
The value of the Pupil Premium per eligible pupil was:
£1385 (£2410 for Post Looked After children)
Based on eligible pupils, the school received £57177
This was used as follows:-
- 1 to 1 and small group support
- Teaching and Teaching Assistant support
- Pastoral support
- Quality First Teaching training
- To fund delivery of intervention programmes in Reading and Maths
- Speech and Language support
- Resources to support learning
- Educational day visits and Residential trips
- Regular after school enrichment activities
- Before school boost sessions for Year 6
- Visitors in school to enhance cultural capital
- Introduction of new phonics scheme
Pupil Premium Report July 2023