Sports Premium

Funding for the Sports Premium is based on £16000 plus £10 per pupil (years 1-6) for a full academic year.

Academic Year 2023-24

For the academic year 2023-24, the school is expected to receive £17800 from the DfE to improve the quality of sport and PE at St Anne’s.

Expenditure will include:-

  • External Sports Coach for two days a week – lunch time and after school activities sessions funded through Sports Premium
  • Professional Development training for staff from sports coaches
  • On-line Cybercoach
  • Transport to inter-school competitions
  • New sports equipment
  • Visitors to provide extra sports clubs requested by School Council
  • Swimming – extra sessions during the Summer term
  • Development of a safe playground space at the front of the school

Academic Year 2022-23

For the academic year 2022-23, the school received £17800 from the DfE to improve the quality of sport and PE at St Anne’s.

Expenditure included:-

  • External Sports Coach for two days a week – lunch time and after school activities sessions funded through Sports Premium
  • Professional Development training for staff from sports coaches
  • On-line Cybercoach
  • Transport to inter-school competitions
  • New sports equipment
  • Visitors to provide extra sports clubs requested by School Council
  • Swimming – extra sessions during the Summer term

Sports Premium Costings 2022-23

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2022-23